
Showing posts from March, 2022

Emerging: A new global system where no one fucks with anyone else's country!

Autocrats love their privacy! I mean they love to be understated and under the radar, they love anonymity and a little mystery for domestic consumption. They do not want to be too well known because that just raises too many eyebrows, and do-gooder WASP powers/world sheriffs with a messianic mission to "clean up the (global) town" like the US will come a knockin' your bloody door down! So, any new global system to replace the old one will most certainly be one with a few rules, a new Ten Commandments for Nation States if you will, and on top of the list would be: thou shalt not interfere in the affairs of other nation states nor take unto you a group of dissident separatist trouble makers from your brother/sister nation states. I just made that up, what do you think? Spot on I think. Those crazy map makers and their straight lines! The global world order I was born into, the one that was established after WWII, is crumbling fast. The new order that emerges will speak volu

Globalizing the 'liberal democratic' experience didn't work, let's try autocracy

I am sick and tired of talking about the prospect of global nuclear war and what kind of hell-scape that will bring forth upon our planet, so let's talk of the prospects for change in the global order for a change. If the old one ain't workin' change it, so goes conventional American revolutionary wisdom. We've tried a liberal democracies-led global world order, let us give global autocracies a chance at the helm. I can see all of you out there gasping at this suggestion, mouthes open wide, jaws dragging on floor. Well, don't be stunned and shocked and offended for too long, the above suggestion is fast becoming a reality! A nice global family picture The Epoch Times recently quoted Andrew Shearer, director general of Australia's Office of National Intelligence, as saying that Chinese leader Xi Jinping "appears to be planning to dominate the Indo-Pacific region" and "to overtake the United States as the world’s leading power". Talk about poin