
Showing posts from September, 2014

The end of our arrogant civilisation

Our present human civilisation, the one that emerged through and as a result of centuries of human suffering, innovation and artistic and philosophical endeavour, starting with the enlightenment, through to the industrial revolution and the great wars of the 20th century, a civilisation that shone brightest in the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s of that century, is now on an irreversible decline and is, at an ever accelerating pace, heading toward oblivion.  The 90s was undoubtedly the feel good decade, it was a time of hubris and euphoria, a time of boundless optimism when communication technology allowed for greater interconnectivity and integration than ever before in human history. We felt like the world was getting smaller. In truth, what this interconnectivity did was teach us how to focus on the differences, the seeds of potential future conflict, and like all human innovation, we harnessed communication as a weapon. Now, we perfected the weapon, it's ammunition human liars and spi

A glimpse of Famagusta from a roof

"The asphalt on the roads has cracked in the warm sun and along the sidewalks bushes are growing. Today, September 1977, the breakfast tables are still set, the laundry still hanging and the lamps still burning. Famagusta is a ghost-town," Swedish journalist Jan-Olf Bengtsson wrote describing the scene three years after the Turkish invasion of the Island. The situation hasn't changed since then. I wonder what happened to those breakfast tables since, the petrified croissants and danish  pastries, the dried up coffee grounds in the bottom of lily white hotel cups, the tattered laundry blowing in the wind? Famagusta is in actual fact an unintentional time capsule of a long forgotten summer vacation in the 70s. I wonder what will happen to this abandoned slice of history, would it be turned into an open air museum, a free space for all to visit, a source of revenue from tourism for both governments of this still divided island, or will its fait remain undecided? On a rece

Lebanon: Forever at the edge of rebirth and extinction

I can’t see Lebanon escaping the present regional cycle of violence that has ravaged Syria and Iraq. I can’t see the country successfully navigating the treacherous waters of multiple governmental, constitutional and security crises and coming out the other end unscathed. But, I could be wrong; in fact, I hope I’m wrong. In what shape the country will emerge out of all this is anyone’s guess, and to give a guess is the best the best of us can do. Will we be another Somalia, another Iraq, another Syria or Afghanistan, in many ways parts of our country already display aspects of all of these and more. Gone are the days of the Eisenhower Doctrine. Perhaps today we need a new doctrine, one that instead of “thwarting aggression” from nations under the fold of “international communism”, would end the Islamic State’s blood soaked reign of terror and others of its ilk. An ‘Obama Doctrine’ could focus on assisting nations under threat from terrorist groups that fly the banner of faith but

Proposal to Legislators: Open Mandatory Carry of Firearms in Lebanon

I think the government should institute 'open carry' laws in Lebanon, giving everyone the right to sling an AK over his/her shoulder. In fact, the law must stipulate that any adult over 18 must carry a gun in plain view when out in public. But, here's the catch, every bullet fired must be accounted for and taxed. A form must be filled out to account for bullets fired with the reason for the discharge of the firearm clearly stated. Firing in to the air at weddings or after political speeches are not valid reasons and anyone found guilty of doing so would be jailed for unlawful discharge of a weapon, wasting ammunition from the national stockpile and weakening the national defence.  I bet such a law if it ever comes to pass, would make life a lot more peaceful and civilised in Lebanon. For one, people will be less likely to cut you off in traffic or generally act like assholes, for another, people will think long and hard before cursing at anyone or flicking anyone off. Ye

Arsal, a lynchpin of Lebanese national security

I am both shocked and astounded at how local media in Lebanon have worked to keep their readers, listeners and viewers wilfully ignorant of some basic and pertinent facts. With regards to the ongoing military operation in the area surrounding Arsal between the Lebanese Armed Forces and a hodgepodge of Syrian rebel groups, what has been completely missed by the media, as far as I can see, is the scale of the task at hand, that is assuming the task is to expel foreign fighters from Lebanon. The area famously referred to by the media as Jroud Arsal, i.e. the territory mostly to the east, as well as to the north and south of the town, is huge. In fact, it’s about the size of Metn and Kesrouan put together, except it’s almost completely devoid of settlements and villages of any size. It is a vast, hilly, rugged, and uncontrolled expanse of territory bordering and extending into Syria. The hills tapper down to a plateau and on to the town of Koussair and Lac de Homs beyond that to th