
Showing posts from March, 2023

Musings on Lebanon and its people

 I have a keen observational mind that seems to wander into disciplines that I have but a passing acquaintance with. Looking at a financial disaster from the inside is completely different from looking at it from outside. First, you are a victim of the disaster and not a mere observer; second, you have a unique perspective but one invariably colored by your own daily struggle to secure an income stream not decimated by local currency depreciation. I wonder is there a Roman term that fits what has befallen our currency? Decimate, to remove a tenth of, seems inadequate. But, I suppose what I add to the body of written works on our Lebanese catastrophe is an observation of the people and their response to our daily unfolding disasters. Denial I suppose comes first, coupled with extreme predictions of woe and gnashing of teeth. It is as if by predicting the worst imaginable we aim to trick fate into making the unfolding catastrophe less painful on us. Foolish little mind games we play with