
Showing posts from March, 2019

On Freedom

Any time someone gives you your freedom, ask them who gave them the authority to offer or deny that which does not belong to them. That is a question I would have loved to ask Abraham Lincoln in fact, you know the white guy who freed the black slaves. How good of him and his republic to give to black African slaves in the USA that which their own republic's declaration of independence was supposed to have guaranteed them! If I was a black African living in the 13 colonies at the time of George Washington's great victory over British imperialism, I would have gone up to my white master and asked him for all those years of back pay I never got working in his fields, and would have been brutally beaten for my troubles, probably with the same hand that signed the declaration of independence. So the next time Morgan Freedom, the establishment's token black person, decides to make a series about freedom, he should come to my forgotten part of Space Ship Earth or Global Vil