
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Grandchildren of Narcissus and the Second Lebanese Civil War

My people love to look at themselves in the mirror, they love to be photographed in flattering poses, they also love the sound of their own voice uttering their own opinions. They simply adore the echo chamber of social media, whether its other people confirming their attractive physical attributes or people agreeing with their opinions. The response is usually effusive and voluminous appreciation and an exchange of flattery. Most Lebanese are members in a mutual flattery society of close friends and relatives. Their world is small, their image of themselves and their cherished opinions unwaveringly positive and any disagreement will not be tolerated!  The Lebanese are in love with themselves. There is little that is new in that. We are after all the great, great, great, great grandchildren of Mythical Narcissus, who’s example is cited as a cautionary tale, be too self-focused and you tend to miss out on all other things of beauty and grace around you. A constant unwavering engagement