Emerging: A new global system where no one fucks with anyone else's country!

Autocrats love their privacy! I mean they love to be understated and under the radar, they love anonymity and a little mystery for domestic consumption. They do not want to be too well known because that just raises too many eyebrows, and do-gooder WASP powers/world sheriffs with a messianic mission to "clean up the (global) town" like the US will come a knockin' your bloody door down! So, any new global system to replace the old one will most certainly be one with a few rules, a new Ten Commandments for Nation States if you will, and on top of the list would be: thou shalt not interfere in the affairs of other nation states nor take unto you a group of dissident separatist trouble makers from your brother/sister nation states. I just made that up, what do you think? Spot on I think.

Those crazy map makers and their straight lines!

The global world order I was born into, the one that was established after WWII, is crumbling fast. The new order that emerges will speak volumes about us as a species, whether we are capable of evolving our relations between one another's nations to a more equitable less aggressive level or not. What shall this new order look like? 

The “who will lead it?” part is pretty clear, the largest and most important countries in terms of resources and wealth and population size. And as for the “how will relationships between nations be defined?" That too is clear enough: it will be defined by trade, national interest, and hopefully mutual respect. So, no more global policeman. 

No longer will shiny bright forces for democratic change within countries and societies across the globe be able to seek the help of the US and it’s CIA to help free them from their national wealth! Which is good news believe it or not. Genuine forces for democratic change and anti corruption movements will flourish in such a perfect new world order unsullied by the suspicion and taint of being associated with “foreign forces”, i.e. the usual suspects. 

But will the above utopia be reached, will we get the fairy tale ending to national struggles we all long for and dream of? or will interference by international actors in the internal affairs of nation states increase as the newly emergent powers, global and regional, flex their muscles and see their increased freedom of movement, unfettered by the global policeman, as an opportunity to gain further influence among emerging political movements in other nations' countries? The later, sadly, seems more likely. It will be a freakin' bazaar!

In fact, we will see a liberalization of state sponsored cross border interference, whether political, economic or military, a veritable boom in that particular business! But, the shackles would be off, at least the mental and psychological ones. There will be greater freedom for liberation movements from Palestine to Catalonia to shop around for the best foreign sponsor for their cause and struggle, and new liberation movements could emerge, encouraged by the new global appetite for cross-border influence peddling. Am I being cynical, not really, I just know the seven billion morons that populate this planet really well!

We are a species of primates, essentially, aggression and territoriality and a monkey-like desire to stir up shit are in our genes! We just can't help being the nasty little savages we are. I know a lot of religious folks from Buddhists to Mormons would probably disagree with me right now and point out that the values of peaceful coexistence have been major pillars of many societies. To a certain degree that is true, as long as there is no life-threatening struggle to stay alive and to feed your family, all the Zen bullshit holds true. But enter the savage on the scene and all bets are off. We not only know what to do, fight or flee, we often relish the former for which many have an unholy zeal!

So new world order or old, just make up your minds: will you fight or will you flee?!


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