
Showing posts from October, 2010

Lebanese Roulette: A Painful Culinary Experience

Come one, come all, come and play Lebanese Roulette, eat out, buy locally made produce, jump in at the deep end with Kebbe Nayeh and eat a salad with unwashed veggies, chances are your bowels will get a new unwanted resident that will keep you up nights. For the price of a cheap hooker, get a not so cheap meal, it’ll give you fee-ver! Personally I prefer the hooker; at least with a hooker you are the one doing the screwing instead of being the one at the receiving end. Many eateries about town (i.e. Beirut and that ugly urban sprawl that surrounds it) have chosen not to raise their prices too high; instead they have lowered the quality of their ingredients and their staff. Did they really think people could not tell the difference? Some even reduced the size of their portions. Pathetic! Most eateries continue to display a total lack of imagination when it comes to the variety on offer. I rarely walk into a restaurant and go “wow, this is really good”. I miss that, I miss taking my tast