
Showing posts from July, 2019

Freedom From Fear: The Next Step in Human Evolution

An Opinion I balk at people who raise the blood banner of ‘survival of the fittest’, who genuinely believe their DNA gives them a superior edge and the right to pave their path to success, personal or national, over the bones of weaker and poorer peoples, whether in business or government but especially in relations with other nations and peoples. The zero-sum diplomacy we see today, the blood sport of “gloves off”, “bare knuckles dipped in glue and glass shards” approach to talking to other nations being promoted by the very nations that gave us the enlightenment, humanism, human rights enshrined in law and liberal democracy, makes me worry for our future as a species. There are those who talk of “natural law” and how “natural law” should be the bedrock of human rights and laws, basically they want us to regress back to our primate origins, to fight and kill each other for primacy and for the strong to exercise dominion over the weaker of the species, exploit them to the po