
Showing posts from October, 2021

Lebanon, ever resilient and irrepressible

  Why is Lebanon resilient enough to endure the harsh trials its regional and international ‘friends’ have chosen to inflict on it? A question that already reveals my political views if you will, although my politics is to have no politics at all.   I know the Western camp and all its brightly colored and loud media tools that keep harping on Hezbollah as an absolute evil and the cause of all tragedies in Lebanon. Frankly, that argument has begun to wear thin! And I know that the Eastern/Muqawama/Iranian Devils camp blames all ills to befall Lebanon on the ‘usual suspects’, i.e. Israel, the US, Saudi Arabia, UAE, yada yada yada (as the UAE’s best friends would say!).  And yet, neither one of the two entrenched camps would consider modifying their positions. The West cannot countenance rapprochement with the Hezb, arguably bigger than the PLO ever was in its heyday. Nor can the Iranian Devil’s camp reconcile the fact that although Lebanon is undeniably under financial and political sieg