Iran's cheap and effective weapons threaten to bankrupt western militaries

Probably the first time since the start of western colonial imperialist expansion in the 17th century, formerly colonized and subjugated so-called third world countries are today breathing a little easier and many a sigh of relief can be heard if only in hushed tones. The formerly savaged, brutalized, invaded and robbed country of Iran now has a series of home-made weapons that pose a serious problem to the modern militaries of the west.


The proud and ancient Persia with a history stretching back thousands of years has been at the receiving end of unjustified western attacks since Alexander of Macedonia ploughed through the civilized eastern world with reckless and drunken abandon. In modern times, Iran was invaded and occupied in 1941 by the British and Soviets, its natural resources brazenly and illegally appropriated, its people condemned to poverty and backwardness, a democratically elected prime minister toppled in a CIA engineered coup in 1953, and when finally the Islamic revolution arrives to liberate Iran’s people, the world vilifies Iran and Shia Islam and anyone associated with them.




Now Iran has dive drones and medium range ballistic missiles that are causing many a western military planner to scratch their heads in despair. I refuse to call them suicide drones as such a politically loaded term is heavily laden with western idiocy! How does a machine commit suicide…?!


Recent Press reports have placed the cost of last Saturday/Sunday night’s fireworks show in the night sky over the Middle East, as NATO jets and missiles zigged and zagged overhead shooting down cheap Iranian drones costing $2,000 a piece with $3 million missiles (cost of each Arrow 3 missile), at close to or even over $1 billion. I’s say that is pretty definitive, Iran has more and can produce a lot more cheap drones and missiles than the West has cash to spend on expensive state of the art missiles that at best shoot down eight to nine out of ten projectiles depending on how low and slow or high up in orbit these projectiles are.


Iran’s latest MRBM launched in 2022, Khyber Shekan, or destroyer of Khyber, in reference to Khyber Jews who lived in Medina and who betrayed the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and were duly conquered in 628AD, is rumored to have maneuvering capability in its final phase of descent in order to thwart any missile defense system employed by an adversary. It has a range of 1,450 km and a warhead as big as a medium size family car. In fact, it was nine of those missiles that flew right through the Israel/NATO defense net and multiple layers of missile defense systems to slam into two Israeli airbases to the east of the country, causing what today has been confirmed as significant damage. I wonder what possible defense Israel and its allies could possibly have against a thousand of these MRBMs…!


The fact is, no one wants to awaken a sleeping giant like Iran or push it into a corner and force it to defend itself and the viability of its regime, because many rational analysts doubt any regional country in the Middle East could mount a serious and effective defense against a saturation attack by missiles and drones from Iran.


Before the allies landed in Italy and Normandy to face Hitler’s Germany in head on land battle, World War Two in the west was fought over the skies of Europe, and it was the Luftwaffe that had the upper hand for most of that fight up until the United States brought its industrial muscle to bear and outpaced German production of war planes.


Today, Iran is the Luftwaffe, Iran has the undeniable upper hand in this new kind of air war, a war in which the winner will risk not one single pilot’s life, but will be able to saturate the skies with an eclectic mix of remotely operated drones, guides cruise and ballistic missiles, that are more than capable of hitting their intended targets accurately without risking a single human pilot. Russia recognized Iran’s flare for producing an effective quality drone and made use of that drone type in its war against Ukraine. But the West is yet to fully appreciate the technical capacity of a Iranian regime that has given top priority to developing game-changing if simple and cheap weapons technology, bidding their time with mere pin prick operations and proxy battles across the Middle East, while their adversaries exhaust and diminish themselves, becoming a spent force unable to mount any serious response to a region-wide attack.


I’d say its check and mate.


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