Why I Hate America

There is nothing so vile as a wolf in sheep's clothing. Something evil pretending to be good. If evil played fair you could fight it head on, but evil knows it cannot win if it fights honestly, forthrightly, without any pretense or cover. Evil knows it will be defeated because the human sense of right and wrong will not tolerate barefaced unabashed exploitation and enslavement of the many for the benefit of the few, using military might not for defense but for foreign adventures to seize land or resources or change foreign governments to suit your selfish purpose. 

Only a thin veil of deniability is needed to cover your evil, like shame, the flimsiest of fig leaves is sufficient, and people's inner doubts are quickly placated by our superior powers of rationalization. The same human powers of self delusion that allowed Bush and Blair to invade and occupy a UN member state in the 21st century and destroy its infrastructure and government and kill a million of its people if not more, are at work today, still believing the fig leaf covering Uncle Sam's devils horns. Iraq is still not rid of the legacy of that criminal act committed by leading members of the UNSC. Ask me why I hate America, and I have to smile if only on the inside at the naiveté of the questioner. How can you not know!?

The great hope across the ocean, the new world, the land of opportunity where every hard working migrant gets to live the vaunted American dream, what a load of bullshit! New world or old, the same primal motives of the human species to huddle around the tribal fires exist, the impulse to light torches and to raid and degrade other tribes never goes away. We are a violent species and highly tribal, we accept cosmopolitanism to a point, we initially rejoiced at the cold war's end and the start of true globalization, then the grumbling starts. We need to be superior to everyone else, we need the myths that tell us we are superior, myths we pass on to our children so they pass them on to theirs. We cherish our myths and religious dogmas more than life itself and peaceful coexistence. We are a terrible people. No wonder extraterrestrials never visited us, and they never will. Sorry Carl Sagan and Neil deGrasse Tyson, I am sure intelligent extraterrestrials that have mastered interstellar space exist, but they avoid contact with us because we are frightening to them, they want nothing to do with us! And I can't say I really blame them.

The tragedy of the new world established under the despotism of English speaking white people, real democracy for the lucky few, a veiled slavery for the many, mindless entertainment and cheap snacks to keep them placated (bread and circuses), and myths woven by masters of spin and story telling from the New York Times to Hollywood, to give these almost-slaves, i.e. the masses, a sense of false pride in their superman-like country. How easily we are fooled by the saccharine and militarized hero story, the one who fires a million rounds, killing waves of the enemy, while remaining bullet-hole free! They even parodied this superman-like caricature, the embodiment of the US military machine, in movie form, as if to say, Rambo is bullshit and we know it, we're even telling you its bullshit, but part of you still believes in Rambo, right? Just as you believe in the perennial Russian villain, the Arab terrorist stereotype, the promotion of African American culture in music and television, while US police still kill African Americans at random for almost no rational reason every day, you still believe in the innate goodness of America and its rotten stinking dream, don't you?! Shame on you! The thinnest veil of deniability, that's all it takes, it doesn't have to be that believable in fact, any bullshit will do.

I grew up in a highly westernized world, I studied in English the history of the English and their colonies from a decidedly imperialist point of view, I believed that the post war miracle that the US financial and economic system had created was of benefit to all, how nice of those Americans to do all that for us, I thought. Mind you I was also deeply engrossed in US television fiction and propaganda produced in Reagan's 80s, from the many many cop shows to the one-man-hero shows to the ensemble casts like the A-Team, fighting the good fight, cigar chomping guns blazing. They even stole the image of the renegade revolutionary and Hollywoodized it! They made sure that all you got was their propaganda media output, while from the other end, almost silence. The communists in the USSR or China were rather primitive in matters of effective propaganda directed at a global audience, unlike the Americans. So for many decades Uncle Sam had a captive global audience, held them captive to the promise and the myth of American exceptionalism and goodness, and we believed them.

Now all the pretense is gone, even the fragile veil is no more, Uncle Sam's fangs are clear for all to see, raking in the cash for its military industrial complex from weapons sales to allies, while Ukrainians die in their thousands in what is essentially a civil war between ultra nationalist Ukrainians and Russian Ukrainians, a war that should never have been but for the goading and stoking of the furnace of hate by the Biden Administration, pushing Ukraine to confront Russian forces head on, convincing them that they will support them, that they are behind them, short of actually taking part in the fighting of course, which the Ukrainians didn't understand at first. This comedian/president and his numbskull advisors from the far right in Ukraine, actually thought the US and the EU would risk direct conflict with Russia just to save Ukraine... what the hell where they smoking?! 

Ukraine is just the latest global tragedy brought about as a direct result of American military adventures, setting other countries ablaze while not getting involved in the fighting directly, staying out of it and keeping its soldiers and civilians safe. Uncle Sam is essentially a pyromaniac, an unethical empire of deception, economically hollowed out but for its munitions and weapons manufacturers, who apparently control foreign policy and wish to keep the foreign war fires burning so they can keep earning dividends. The exploitation and enslavement of the many for the benefit of the few, that should be the real motto written under the statue of liberty, at least it would be the first honest statement from that bitch! Pardon my French, but sounds appropriate since she was made in France!


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