On Freedom

Any time someone gives you your freedom, ask them who gave them the authority to offer or deny that which does not belong to them. That is a question I would have loved to ask Abraham Lincoln in fact, you know the white guy who freed the black slaves. How good of him and his republic to give to black African slaves in the USA that which their own republic's declaration of independence was supposed to have guaranteed them! If I was a black African living in the 13 colonies at the time of George Washington's great victory over British imperialism, I would have gone up to my white master and asked him for all those years of back pay I never got working in his fields, and would have been brutally beaten for my troubles, probably with the same hand that signed the declaration of independence.

So the next time Morgan Freedom, the establishment's token black person, decides to make a series about freedom, he should come to my forgotten part of Space Ship Earth or Global Village, or Pale Blue Dot, or whatever you choose to call this blue speck of cosmic dust, and experience life as a Middle Eastern Levantine, then speak to us of freedom!

The greatest threat to the freedoms of the many diverse peoples off this planet today comes from a USA led by a galactic moron, a man who recognizes only one freedom, the freedom of his country and its military and its global financial system to do as it pleases bullying away wherever it finds a country daring to challenge its global supremacy. If we live today and bask in the sunshine of the freedom so generously donated to us by the white western imperialist nations then this is no freedom at all but the pinnacle of servitude and subservience.

Remember the "you are either with us or against us" speech, well that my fellow humans of planet Earth is the limit of your freedom, writ large and from the mouth of the leader of the free world that only a fraction of a fraction of the world ever voted for!

I carry, and proudly I might add, a third world passport that limits my freedom of movement very clearly and visibly. I have to suffer the indignity of waiting in line at foreign missions to apply for and be approved or not for a visa, I dare not book a trip, business or pleasure, without first securing this precious approval. I was born and live under the capitalist free system that the USA provides for us, I never voted for this system, was never asked if I agreed to be part of it or if I accept US tutelage over the planet, it was just assumed that I would want Big Macs and Blue Jeans and really bad television.

If I appear ungrateful, uncle, I mean Mr. Sam sir, master sir, its because I am pissed off at the patronizing drivel that passes for news and opinions in your parochial mediocre self righteous news media that seems to ignore more and more the grave transgressions of the American Empire globally as its stomps over the freedoms of tiny specs of nation states just because it can.

If the black African slaves were to be freed, and I mean to be truly free, minus segregation and Jim Crow and lynchings of the past hundred years and more, then the black African slaves had to rise to their feet first without the assistance of a white President, even one as great as Lincoln, and revolt! What was taken (their ancestors' freedom when they were stolen from Africa) by force, can only be regained by force! My late father used to say that often, he believed in military means to recover our Palestinian lands, identity and dignity. I agree.

But, the trick the White man has mastered over centuries is to never give any slave nation no choice at all, in other words never create such miserable conditions as to make revolution against their dominion over you inevitable. What the Lincolnian abolitionist drive served to do was, first, ensure economic and trade interests, and second, it released the steam valve of brewing African slave disaffection, just as the British had done decades earlier, by "giving" slaves freedom and a blue Unionist uniform thereby ensuring their everlasting gratitude and giving them a way to pay back this generosity and largess by fighting with Union forces.

I do not dub the USA an empire lightly, I know the weight of history bears down hard on anyone making such summary judgement, but the evidence over 250 years is clear, from expansion westward to the ejection of Spanish imperialists from Cuba and The Philippines and taking their place, to the colonialist interventions in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and now Venezuela, it is clearly the USA is an empire in republican clothing!

The Declaration of Independence and the superbly crafted Constitution are brilliant documents and a significant part of our collective human heritage, but words on paper that are not backed by action or that are not applied to all peoples of this single human tribe cease to carry any meaning at all and become mere poetry memorized by high school students, lofty ideals that no mortal can live up to.

But, I still believe in the human tribe and its ability to liberate itself from any and all kind of oppression, national or international, temporal or religious, I still believe that true freedom and equality is an attainable goal. But we must always remember that freedom that is not enjoyed by one and all is merely privilege extended, and that is the world we live in today, a world of the privileged few dictating and lecturing to the many who are fed up...


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