Justice for Palestine comes first

The West is full of laws that restrict human freedom, but these are accepted and defended by the vast majority of people because they think that they played a role in passing those laws. They elected their representatives, presidents, and assorted public officials after all  Of course, this is not true, those who control wealth and horde it elect presidents, these same people make sure their candidate makes laws that suit them. So, you see, its just another form of dictatorship, a capitalist dictatorship. 

There is an element of democracy, of course, in a country that idolises ignorance, sports and religious fanaticism like the United States, it tries to make the stupid feel equal to the rest of us rational people of normal intelligence, after all, equality is a central tenant of that republic. Unfortunately, the tragedy comes when the ignorant and stupid are raised to leadership positions and they get to decide over the fate of not only their country, but the fate of countries across the globe. Obama is the distillation of this system that produces woefully inadequate leaders. 

As for religious fanaticism, it is those evangelical Christians that support Zionism and the Zionist octopus who write US foreign policy, a policy that is so visibly, clearly killing children in Gaza today. But the killing started a long time ago, it still continues every day, ceasefire or not, in the shadows, in the prisons, in the concentration camps of the Zionist entity, the biggest being Gaza. But the ignorant people that are elevated to leadership positions in the US do not have the intellectual capacity to understand the conflict there let alone the will to try and end it with a just outcome. Justice is what is missing in Palestine, talking about ceasefires and peace is premature and naive, justice comes first, and we have been waiting for too long, too, too long!

Once the ignorant understand the need for justice, understand what justice is, that its not their police forces using excessive force and choke holds to assault citizens, that it is not funding and arming the European colonial entity of Israel so it can brutalise the native peoples of Palestine, that it is not using UAVs and sanctions to terrorise the world to submit to its will, once they know what justice really is, once that happens that is when Palestine will be free, free from being the perennial victim, free to live like the rest of the world, to achieve its full potential and take its place among the free nations of this Earth.


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