Damn social media!

I remember a time before Twitter, a time before touchscreen phones and people walking around like Zombies taping away on them mechanically, writing the most inane stuff. I remember a time when stupidity was a private matter, when most people had the good sense to stay quiet, when they kept their insane ideas rattling around in their heads to themselves, now each of us is a broadcaster and an editor, each one of us struts on social media with arrogant self involvement, each adding to the universal state of ignorance, adding to the virtual pool of half truths and half lies floating around this virtual world threatening to engulf us all, that has in fact engulfed us all. The winners are not the human rights campaigners, not the educators, not the students, the winners are the propagandists in the pay of their governments' secret services, those who revel in the state of mass ignorance and arrogance that exemplifies the social media sphere.


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