Why the internet and social media suspend normal human intelligence and critical thinking

I rarely comment on the garbage that populates the internet, I rely on reasonable people, intelligent people to distinguish fact from myth and fiction. But then something comes along that raises my ire, this time it was microwaving cats! Yes, I hear all you intelligent people out there: 'How can anyone believe such nonsense?' Well, apparently there are many people out there who would swallow the most absurd suggestion if it came from a YouTube video. Even respectable media organizations have been taken in by this crap.

This apparent spate of cat microwaving videos on the internet is spreading like some world-wide epidemic of idiocy. But did anyone ever stop to think and ask a vet or medical professional if any living creature, cat, mouse, or whatever can survive being microwaved?!

Seriously, people, think about it, if the body temperature of a mammal goes up just a few degrees you get a severe fever that can lead to convulsions and ultimately death, what do you think a microwave would do?! Nothing about what has been posted on YouTube about this rings true or is even remotely believable. Heck, if you microwave an egg it explodes, what do you think will happen to a living creature with blood vessels and internal organs...

Here's a hint:



Any liquid or semi liquid inside an enclosed vessel, which includes the blood vessels and internal organs of a cat, will expand when heated. For a raw egg it takes less than a minute in the microwave to cook the unborn chicken embryo and explode, probably blasting the microwave door open in the process. So, for a small living breathing creature like a cat you can be certain that death will be instantaneous and gruesome and the effect on the microwave and the kitchen for that matter will be disastrous.

I can't imagine what evil mind can come up with such an idea let alone consider trying it out, I guess my mind is not twisted enough to know the inner workings of such people's minds, but all I know is that the science does not add up: Cats cannot not survive being microwaved!! Nothing living can.

... and P.S. Please, Please, Please DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.

Here is a video I found online of an egg being microwaved, watch:



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