I wonder, what next

It's easy to know which side to be on, just look at which side the US is on and support the opposing side. It seems the Takfeeris and their American allies (sounds weird, I know) are determined to replay the Iraqi tragedy in Syria to the muted chorus of protestation from Russia. It was foolish to think the Russians would go all the way in defending the anti-Israel camp at any rate. So, according to the LBC Syria had better brace for incoming tomahawks from the US imperialist navy should Obama take such a catastrophic decision. I sometimes wonder what kids in schools a hundred years from now will make of this history we are making every day. As the Arab ships of State sink one after the other religious and ethnic minorities cling to the deadwood of obsolete dictatorships while the overwhelming majority turn to faith-based groups and their violent rhetoric and the proponents of chaos find willing cannon fodder among the desperate peoples of our long suffering Middle East. I wonder what further horrors life has in store for us.


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