Hamra Alert: An Open Letter to Beirut Municipality

Dear Municipality,

I write this letter to you with a pain and swelling in my knee. Today, while walking along Hamra Street, I stepped on a paving stone which I thought was solid, it wasn't, it wobbled, I lost my balance, my ankle twisted, I skipped twice on my other leg to try and stop myself falling, but to no avail. I came crashing down, full force on my knee, and I have you to thank. So, thank you.

I write this letter in the hope that you would take a moment to read it and examine the photos I uploaded and maybe consider doing something about this unacceptable situation.

I am a native of Ras Beirut, although I can't afford to live there. I would like to vote in the next municipal election and I don't have to tell you who I will 'not' be voting for.

I don't have to tell you what Hamra represents for tourism in this country and to see wide gapping holes in its pavement, exposed cables, and grass begining to grow in these holes, makes my heart sink. I wonder what a first time visitor to our country will think. I hope you take action swiftly to fix this problem before someone trips and falls and breaks their neck.

Please take a moment to examine the pictures below:


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