Beware of Westerners Bearing False Promises

If anyone imagines that the question of arms outside the Lebanese national military establishment is an easy one to address and resolve to the satisfaction of the international community, it isn't. 'Si vis pacem, para bellum,' a phrase coined by the war-like Romans, roughly translated from the Latin means: if you wish for peace, prepare for war. Lebanon has long wished for peace but because of its geography is always prepared for war. In fact I doubt there are a people as well prepared for war as the Lebanese. This is not to say we wish to start one, we are far too insignificant regionally to do that, but if God wills it then his Party on Earth is prepared for one, or so we hear.

Any talk of war makes one come off looking belligerent and uncompromising, which is not my intention. I am the first to welcome any realistic peace plan for the region with even the slimmest chance of being acceptable to all parties concerned, but there simply isn't one on the horizon. The state of Israel refuses to accept its responsibilities towards the Palestinian refugees and allow them to return home and give them back their lands or at least just compensation. Israel refuses to accept that an 'exclusive' state for the Jews of the world on the territory of Historical Palestine is not realistic and will never be acceptable to it neighbours.

So is the Special Tribunal for Lebanon being used for political purposes? I don't know, I doubt anyone knows for certain what goes on behind closed doors. But any whiff of an indictment in the air and people start getting defensive, this is Lebanon after all.

For those Lebanese who wish to see Hizbullah disappear from the Lebanese political map, maybe see a new 'US Marine' landing on Lebanese shores, I say to them they are deluding themselves. Trust and work with your fellow citizens, always be skeptical of foreigners' assurances and promises, their own interests will always come first and they will abandon you when it suits them. Its true it has been said, and to some degree it rings true, the Lebanese hate the Lebanese. But remember, hate and love are closely intertwined emotions.

In our darkest and bleakest days we have proved we have the stamina and fortitude to stand proud and adapt. Above all we proved to the world that when we are cornered we forget our internal differences and unite to face a common foe. We proved to the world that we are as fierce and determined an adversary as we are hospitable and welcoming to our friends.


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