Lost: Not the TV Series

The state of our roads is deplorable, there is nothing new in that, but drive away from greater Beirut and the coastal strip and you enter an over-grown, crumbling maze of asphalt. Sign posts are almost totally absent and when they exist they are covered by trees or bushes or so small a driver can easily miss them

The drive back home after a pleasant Sunday trip to 'wine country' in the Western Bekaa was an exhausting two and a half hour trek, 45 minutes of which were spent getting lost and finding our way back to the right road. Between Al Mtein and Ras el Matn, Deir el Harf and Ras el Harf, from Falougha to Monte Verde, it is very easy to take a wrong turn and get lost.

Unless you are a local then your chances of getting lost are actually very good. We met at least two vehicles whose occupants were similarly lost. The funny thing is we stopped to ask them for directions when they in fact had stopped to ask us for directions. It is important to remain cool and collected in such a situation, which I admit I was not. Daytime temperatures Sunday soared to 37 degrees Celsius and bumpy roads added to the physical discomfort which made the road seem endless.

All could have been avoided by one sign post placed at the right place to warn hapless drivers before they reach a critical turn. It would save a lot of frayed nerves and wasted petrol.


  1. hi hani,
    although that happened , but you have to admit that was a nice adventure , new experience , and furthermore to others getting to know new places such as Al 3erbanieh station....etc.
    always forget ystrdy and enjoy the day coz you dont know what would be 2moro.


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