More on the Traffic Problem

Competitive driving off the track and off the rally course places people's lives at risk, much like firing a gun into the air, both are criminal offenses. The problem in Lebanon is that every driver thinks himself a driving instructor, infallible and above reproach. There are some car brands that seem to attract those competitive drivers that are the bane of our roads, most of these brands are German. My apologies to the Germans, your cars are top notch, perfectly engineered and blameless, your only fault is producing really fast cars.

In Lebanon, these vehicles are usually driven on our roads by 'head shaven' young men between 20 and 40, who no doubt believe shaving their heads offers less wind resistance and therefore adds to their speed. They believe the overtaking lane is their prized possession and they hold on to it with vigor. God help the poor fellow who strays into this lane, he/she will be tail gated to hell and back with bright xenon head lamps blinding him/her from behind.

Most drivers take pride in keeping the shortest distance possible between their vehicle and the one in front of them on the roads. Speed limits mean nothing to these people, winding mountain roads or coastal highways, their speed does not change. They see overtaking other vehicles on the road as their sacred right whether their path is clear or not and whether they have right of way or not.

Mr. Baroud, the time has come to be tough on traffic offenders, ordinary God fearing, law abiding citizens are afraid to venture out of their homes because of careless speedsters. Its time to trap these offenders, send out patrols all over Lebanon to catch these reckless road users in the act. I don't just mean give them speeding tickets, book them for reckless driving, for illegal and dangerous maneuvers on the roads and take away their right to drive a car and their car.

Make the penalty hurt. Increase the fines so that paying it will require some to take out a second mortgage on their home just to pay it. The seriousness of the offense normally does not sink in until tragedy strikes and someone dies, which is too late. Something needs to be done now. Matters on our roads are not improving they are getting worse and some of the worst offenders are Lebanese driving cars with Gulf license plates. They seem to think the roads in Lebanon are their own personal playground, a place to come to blow off some steam and drive in ways that would be unimaginable in the Gulf.

We are a passionate and aggressive people in our work and business and we take what we want and quickly climb the ladder of success and while this competitive spirit is a positive factor in business and our working lives, it is dangerous on the roads.

We really should know better.


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