Palestinian Truth: We Need to Win the Information War

As Arabs and especially Palestinians our fight against Israel and the injustice it represents has been a long and costly one, one often punctuated by major defeats, collapse of national self esteem and economic stagnation. We like to show maps of Palestine at each major milestone of defeat: 1948, 1967, 1973 and today, you see these maps all over social media, we point to them and say “see what the nasty Israelis did to us!” We think this brings public opinion on our side. Through these visual aids it is made very clear how much territory Palestinians have lost over the years, it couldn’t be clearer that we are the losing side, but we fail to recognize this it seems and plunge headfirst into peacemaking on an uneven playing field with gleeful abandon thinking we are actually at the negotiating table to get something in exchange for an end to combat operations and recognition of the enemy’s status and right to exist. Palestinians were only invited to Oslo to give their leadership a fac...