Middle East liberals and national armies versus Puritans, Zionists and Jihadists

One thing the US dreads more than tired old Arab dictators with nationalist and pan Arab aspirations are populist Arab leaders with nationalist and pan Arab aspirations voted into power by Arab populations weary of divisive Islamist dogma. What events in Egypt have shown us beyond any doubt is that the wishy-washy hodgepodge of secularists and liberals has found common cause with the country’s armed forces. Call it a coup or a popular uprising, either way without the army and its visible presence on the streets Mursi would still be President. In fact, a show of military force soon turned into carnival-like celebrations across the country with jets flying in formation pumping multi-colored smoke, helicopters lit up with green laser beams and officers celebrating with anti-Mursi protestors in the streets. Some would argue that these events and the arrest of Muslim Brotherhood leaders have served to alienate Islamist parties in the country, pushing them to the fringes of politics...