Savage humans

 I've always marveled at the apparent disconnect between literary ideals as expressed and expounded upon by the greats across the centuries, and the real human animal that by instinct pounces on his prey without much through once the opportunity presents itself, for food or fucking, reducing his victim to bare bones to feed either his desire for conquest or his burning furnace of life that requires the calories. One life is taken (metaphorically) to sustain another. 


These are the true values of humanity, not "a true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good" as Samuel Johnson is said to have said once, or "a true measure of a man is what he does with power," as they say Plato once said, or J.K. Rowling who said "If you want to see the true measure of a man, watch how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." Everyone of these blow hard philosophizers seem to hold humanity up to a very high standard indeed. "The true measure of a man is when he desperately needs to fart but because he is in a church he holds it in," there, I just pulled one literally out of my ass! So fuck you Plato, old flat face, and all the other greats who seem to enjoy putting words together to suggest some greater meaning, when they themselves fail to measure up to their own high standard as expressed in those words, but somehow expect "man" to measure up and stand in heroic pose astride the prow of the SS Sinkalot, face wet with salty spray but still unmoved and unafraid and not going for the nearest lifeboat...! Bullshit. Man is no hero, no man is a hero, not even to his own self. Sometimes children look to their fathers as heroes, idolize them, worship them secretly and wish only to please them and get their approval, when in fact, these same children are condemned to grow up to be a facsimile of those much admired sperm donors... that's when they'll know their fathers were no heroes! What "man" didn't throw up a little in their mouths when they heard their woman was pregnant with new noisy and needy life. Who wouldn't shit bricks at the thought of raising a child in this sick sick world?! Humans suffer from a terminal mental illness, an error in perception that means we will hit a brick wall sooner or later. That illness is that we think we are better than we really are, we think the movement of time in linear fashion and the passing of decades and centuries somehow miraculously changes and transforms the society of men from savages to wise men. Again, bullshit! Humans are not good, we are not angels, but nor are we devils, we are biological machines, predators designed to pounce on prey without much thought. So, for our species hunting and fighting are important skills to master, albeit in today's world we hunt and fight in less physical fashion. A sales person in a shop hunts their next victim, the next person to walk through the door is prey and an experienced sales person knows when to bring down his prey and complete the sale. Its all about taking something from someone else to enrich yourself, that is the real human experience and that is our species, that is our game. And for those poor few who fail to master this game and get to play prey in every encounter, there is no hope... they are a carcass rotting in the noonday sun, a pile of bleached bones in the sand, they are dead meat they just don't know it. This is the reality of the human beast, he's nothing worth saving, just an infestation and a blight on the pale blue planet, third rock from the sun... deal with it!


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