Destroy the old, build a better world

We must move from the intermediate stages of confrontation of global capitalism/imperialism, with mere primitive tools such as populism and by going too far to the right or left, to the ‘final solution’ stage (forgive the term, it just fits here). That stage can be called science-based management of humanity, whereby the human being is at the center of public concern and the public policy machine. Some Scandinavian countries have adopted elements of this approach. The human being is a valuable end in him/herself and not a means to other ends. A human being is not a commodity to be exploited (sweat shops, organ harvesting, working down the mines, etc…) human beings are the reason state structures exist, to protect and preserve human life and dignity and ensure ultimate happiness is reached through communal effort. 



Any observational scientist can tell from the multiple global economic shocks we are suffering from that capitalism only serves itself, i.e. those who have capital. A human being is simply regarded as a commodity to be exploited at best or a drain on national resources at worst (maybe even to be culled, who knows what the future holds!). But capital on its own without a pool of human ingenuity stagnates and rots and decays. To ensure the ‘means of life’ for a society are distributed fairly and circulate properly, the human element is essential in mitigating the worst dictates of capitalism. Thus the valuable part of the equation is always the human being.


In the past, it was sufficient to dangle the specter of starvation before people to make them work hard under unrelenting inhuman conditions. Today, the requirements for prolonging life, for maintaining life are more costly than ever, a single standard middle class income can rarely sustain a single life (pay expensive rent and health insurance), let alone sustain two or more lives. Income is highly stratified according to ability and market demand under capitalism, but the majority of income remains too low to sustain a dignified life, that is why the US today has among the most indebted populations in the world with credit card debt soaring.


The solution remains the state (a democratically elected non-corrupt state) giving each human being within that state a basic standard income regardless if the person works, can work or will ever be able to work. This is possible if the world collectively decides to abolish defense budgets and allocate money saved to such a social program. This is not new. None socialist countries have instituted temporary measures by paying basic incomes to the poorest and most in need in time of dire crisis. The fewer people who are desperate and anxious about covering basic expenses the more people are happy and productive. Such a measure can be sustained easily by larger countries simply by cutting defense spending. Smaller countries, financially ruined countries (of which there are many (Lebanon, Egypt are two, Sudan maybe)) will need help. That help can come in the form or reparations paid by former colonial occupiers to impoverished countries in the global south that they formerly occupied and exploited, call it belated severance pay.


The wealthy countries of the north need not see this as a way to punish the scandalous exploitation by their grandfathers of weaker and less technologically developed peoples, but they should see this as a one-time hefty payment meant to ensure the peace of the world. In a world where people’s basic needs are met and where they don’t have to worry about going in to debt to treat their cancer, or migrate across expansive seas and oceans to find a better life, there would be less and less reason to fight and take what isn’t yours. Ultimately, science-based management has one thing going for it, it is evidence based and scientific and not moved or swayed by emotion or belief. Today, science can grow enough food for everyone on the planet, if farmers and middle men and transport networks worked in unison and not work to defeat one another using capitalist principles of competition. Likewise healthcare should be provided to all not based on ability to pay but on genuine need, and provided at the same level across the globe, ensuring every precious human being gets the same standard pf care.


These are matter of fact things that should not be points of contention among rational human beings, but points of general agreement. Sadly, humans are irrational beings mired in ancient superstitions and held back by dogma, religious or political or even pseudo-scientific ones. Humans are not the perfect model for the adoption of science-based management, and yet their very survival depends on it. They must therefore be dragged kicking and screaming into a new more scientifically oriented world that ensures their ultimate survival and happiness.


Let’s start dragging and kicking!


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