
Showing posts from July, 2024

Destroy the old, build a better world

We must move from the intermediate stages of confrontation of global capitalism/imperialism, with mere primitive tools such as populism and by going too far to the right or left, to the ‘final solution’ stage (forgive the term, it just fits here). That stage can be called science-based management of humanity, whereby the human being is at the center of public concern and the public policy machine. Some Scandinavian countries have adopted elements of this approach. The human being is a valuable end in him/herself and not a means to other ends. A human being is not a commodity to be exploited (sweat shops, organ harvesting, working down the mines, etc…) human beings are the reason state structures exist, to protect and preserve human life and dignity and ensure ultimate happiness is reached through communal effort.      Any observational scientist can tell from the multiple global economic shocks we are suffering from that capitalism only serves itself, i.e. those who

Palestine's 100 Years War: How Our Militant Past Predicts Our Future

Palestine’s 100 Years War The Past Rarely Predicts the Future, Except in the Middle East   “Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.” — Ernest Hemingway, 1946   For as long as I can remember my region has been at war. Everyone alive today can attest to the veracity of such a statement. We cheer the men at arms as they go off to fight, we condemn the failure to find a peaceful solution, we admire the fighter, we condemn the terrorist. We are the same people, the great mass of seated spectators, they whom we cheer and condemn, are also the same, the same breed of angry and desperate men and who can blame them, their lives have been hell.   Searching the vast archives of the internet for one of my own, a distant cousin who was one of those angry desperate men, I found an article dated March 22, 1973, in the El Paso Herald-Post titled “Middle East prediction: the worst is yet to come”. It was earie and uncomfortable

How will war in the Holylands end? With a mushroom cloud or a new deal

Below is my brief analysis of the escalating conflict in Palestine Too many folks focus tightly on one aspect of a complicated 76-year-long conflict that they fail to see or otherwise completely disregard details they judge as unimportant. I enjoy listening to the military successes of the Palestinian resistance and how many occupation soldiers they killed or wounded and how many tanks and APCs they crippled and took out of action each day. Its confidence boosting stuff, it’s never happened before in the history of Israeli Arab conflict that a small irregular force of insurgents through hit and run tactics keep the bulk of the Israeli army engaged and bogged down for nine months in a tiny sliver of a territory such as Gaza. I also want to know of the daily human rights abuses committed by Israeli soldiers, the way they treat Palestinian prisoners as human shields or the way they target Palestinian civilian neighborhoods with 2,000 pound bombs. It should all be tallie