
Showing posts from June, 2024

Gaza: When will the meat grinder stop?

Every day I say I want to write something smart and incisive about Israel's war on civilians in Palestine, and every time I open LinkedIn I see a video or images or a heart rending story from the people who have lost everything and tiny bodies going into the ground all for want of medicine or a hospital bed in an Arab country and I pull away from ever touching on this subject. Who am I to pontificate and analyze and proclaim political wisdom, what am I?! I am a mere target, a human animal to our neighbors to the south. What can I say that would be listened to that greater men in lofty positions have not already said. Nothing seems to convince the meat grinder to stop... nothing seems to drill some ember of human feeling for their fellow humans that they kill each day into the Israeli people, their army and their leaders.    What can I say that would make any difference at all? They pushed us into this fight, is all I can say. The Israeli Zionist entity and its ideology of the super

From 1967 to 2024: Massed Arab Armies vs. Gaza’s Flipflop-Wearing Warriors

If Israel couldn’t win in six days, Israel should never have entered Gaza in the first place. A lesson I’m sure the Israeli command structure has learned but a little too late to do anything about it. Israel’s citizen army is stuck amid desert and rubble, going street by street, house by house, trying to find Gaza’s elusive resistance fighters, who remarkably always seem to find Israeli soldiers and tanks minutes before they decimate their ranks. Gaza has cost Israel dear, and the the multi-front conflict has stretched its military capabilities and resources to breaking point, a far cry from the victory of the Six Days War, which many Israelis are commemorating today.   Victorious Israeli soldiers after capturing the old city of Jerusalem from Jordanian forces, carrying a portrait of the kind upside down     The Six Day War, was arguably a classic and text book conflict in which superior tactics, careful planning and meticulous training won the day for the Israelis against greater